Softy wax modeling clay - Super Softy Souple (softy) - Bleu
5,90 €
Softy modeling clay is a plasticine that does not dry out . It is ideal for children who like to create endlessly. It is odorless and extremely malleable , which is ideal for the little hands of your children.
Many colors.
Colour chart
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Softy children's modeling clay - Super Softy
Thanks to its luminous colors , the Softy plasticine will seduce children .
It is also used in animated films in Stop Motion and to help dyslexic children with the Davis Method.
- Softy : Available in 500g bread and 6 x 62g assortment
- Super Softy : Available in 350 g bar and in assortment of 10 x 150g
- Softy does not stain the hands, which is appreciated by parents!
- Plasticine does not dry out and does not harden in the air. Your child can endlessly create and model their characters as they wish.
- No bad surprise if you forget to close it, it won't harden!
- It is guaranteed gluten free . There is no risk if the child is inhaled.
- The colors are miscible between them, so you can create lots of new colors!
- It has no smell !
Differences between Softy and Super softy modeling clay?
The consistency of Super Softy modeling clay is supple than that of Softy, so it is ideal for the hands of smaller children. We recommend it for children aged 2 to 5 years old .
Why buy the Softy pack?
The Softy pack is made up of 6 Softy loaves of 62g. Your child will be able to create with all his favorite colors!
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